Endless Summer Fitness provides workout tips for fitness beginners, weekend warriors, post-physical therapy individuals, men and women in middle life, and anyone seeking fitness results.

Lower Back Pain & Spinal Stenosis

Self-Myofascial Release (SMR), aka foam rolling, has proven to be an effective tool in addressing issues like muscle soreness, pain, and tightness. Although SMR popularity is has grown in recent years, as a fitness trainer in the early 00s, I regularly included it in fitness programming for my private clients. This article lists five reasons why you need to have SMR in your workouts.


What is a foam roller?

A foam roller is a lightweight, cylindrical padded tube that is made of foam. Used as specialized equipment, foam rollers help restore muscle mobility, flexibility, and circulation. The foam roller will also help to eliminate muscle knots and reduce soreness.

What is self-myofascial release?

SMR is a type of self-massaging technique that uses your body weight to pressure your muscles by gently rolling back and forth over the problem area. The foam roller’s pressure will push onto the connective tissue called the fascia that attaches, secures, encircles, and divides muscles underneath the skin.

How does SMR with a foam roller benefit me?

A study by the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy has shown that SMR improves joint range of motion, enhances post-exercise muscle recovery, and reduces delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

The study also found that foam rolling improves muscle performance, and significantly improves post‐exercise muscle recovery, and may help prevent injury and support current injuries. Other benefits included in the study were, Improvement in muscle function, reduction in pain, and muscle relaxation.

As a result, SMR can be beneficial in physical therapy and post-therapy sessions. Be sure to ask your physical therapist and other health professionals about any additional benefits of self-myofascial release.

SMR and Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is easy to do, can be performed at home, and can positively affect muscle tension instantaneously. Anyone can perform SMR, from fitness beginners to weekend warriors to advanced fitness enthusiasts to professional athletes.

So, what are the 5 great reasons to foam roll?

  1. Improves muscle function and you will see increased gains and better toning.
  2. Helps prevent injury and muscle recovery.
  3. Improve blood circulation in your muscles.
  4. Increase muscle/joints range of motion.
  5. Reduce post-workout muscle soreness.

And this just a few of the many benefits.

Ask Your Health Professional

Just be sure to consult with your health professional before beginning any exercise. However, be sure to consult with a certified fitness professional or physical therapist to discuss if SMR is right for you. When talking about, other considerations are foam roller size, texture, density, and personal nutrition and hydration.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not represent an endorsement for any product, manufacturer, or retailer.