Endless Summer Fitness provides workout tips for fitness beginners, weekend warriors, post-physical therapy individuals, men and women in middle life, and anyone seeking fitness results.

Author name: EndlessSummerFtiness

11 Bad Habits You Must Fix Now!

Improve Mental Health Through Fitness Mental wellness is just as vital as physical health. Health and wellness include physical strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, agility, and coordination exercises. As well as proper nutrition, weight management, sleep, and rest. Mental health is also part of overall wellness. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Gareth Ferber of Finders University believes that […]

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A Strong Philosophy Unleashes Your Power!

Famous Quotes to Unleash Your Potential! We will encounter numerous challenges on the journey to health, wellness, and mental well-being. The world will throw distractions, physical and mental obstacles, and unforeseen commitments at us. However, our mental discipline will help us stay focused, set realistic expectations, and remain strong in the face of these challenges.

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Get Spine Pain Relief in 4 Moves!

Do This for Spine Pain Relief in 4 Moves Easy At-Home Exercises for Back Pain This article provides information supporting some of the suggested exercises from a physical therapist once your sessions are completed. Living with back issues like lumbar spinal stenosis requires daily adjustments to continue being functional. Although the main reason we make day-to-day

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5 Moves for You Feeling Amazing!

Post Physical Therapy – Home Exercise Program I live with lumbar spinal stenosis, of which there is no cure. Spinal stenosis is when the spine’s spaces narrow, putting direct pressure on the lower back’s nerves. The neck (cervical spine)—furthermore, it is mainly attributed to wear-and-tear spinal tissue and wear-and-tear related to osteoarthritis. It is excruciating

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The Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods!

Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can’t Do Without! When most people think of nutrition, they generally think of weight loss, consuming fewer calories, or addressing other major health concerns like diabetes, reducing cancer risk, and avoiding cardiovascular disease and strokes through healthier meal planning. However, a balanced nutritional plan is also beneficial in alleviating spinal pain. A

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