Endless Summer Fitness provides workout tips for fitness beginners, weekend warriors, post-physical therapy individuals, men and women in middle life, and anyone seeking fitness results.

About Us

Are you interested in fitness and wellness but need help knowing where to start? Do you want to improve your fitness program and become the healthiest you can be? Do you dream of becoming so fit that you inspire others to live healthier lives?

If you answered yes to these questions, Endless Summer Fitness might be the perfect place to begin your journey. Endless Summer Fitness is a website with articles, videos, and other content related to fitness and wellness. We cover exercise for beginners and seasoned enthusiasts, post-physical therapy, strengthening and mobility, nutrition, weight loss, mental health, lifestyle, and more.

Endless Summer Fitness exercise and wellness programs will help you fulfill your goals.  

Starting a fitness program can be challenging. It requires planning, research, hard work, dedication, and discipline. Let us help you improve your lifestyle by helping you craft a clear vision, a realistic strategy, and a solid plan. Endless Summer Fitness can help you optimize your exercise program to achieve your desired outcomes.

Endless Summer Fitness will walk you through starting a fitness program from scratch, using your body weight, exercise bands, and light weights. We cover everything you need to know, from how to burn and lose weight from walking and having a basic healthy nutrition plan to calisthenics and exercise bands to incorporating dumbbells and more advanced regimens like high-intensity interval training and plyometrics. 

Endless Summer Fitness also provides tips, tricks, and best practices to help you succeed in your fitness journey. By following Endless Summer Fitness, you will have a clear roadmap for launching and growing your strength, increasing your mobility, and having fitness results you can be proud of.



Programs like Endless Summer Fitness are designed to help you achieve health and wellness goals, like losing weight, building muscle, improving cardiovascular health, or reducing stress. However, many people who start a fitness program still need to finish it or see the expected results. What common barriers prevent you from completing your fitness program, and how can they be overcome?

Lack of Time

You may have busy schedules that make it hard to find time for exercise, especially if you have to travel to a gym, change clothes, shower, etc. Some possible solutions to this barrier are:

– Monitor your activities for one week and identify at least three 30-minute slots you could use for physical activity.

– Add physical activity to your daily routine, such as walking or biking to work or shopping, taking the stairs, exercising while watching TV, or parking farther away from your destination.

– Select activities you can do based on your available time, such as walking, jogging, jumping rope, or calisthenics.

– Take advantage of work physical activity facilities and/or programs, or hold walking meetings and conference calls.

Lack of Social Support

Some people may feel isolated, discouraged, or bored when they exercise alone, or they may face resistance or criticism from their friends and family who do not share their interest in physical activity. Some possible solutions to this barrier are:

– Explain your fitness and/or health improvement goals to your friends and family and ask for their support.

– Invite friends and family members to exercise with you or join an exercise group or class to meet new people with similar goals.

– Plan social activities involving exercise, such as hiking, dancing, bowling, or playing sports.

– Develop new friendships with physically active people, such as joining a local recreation center, a walking club, or a sports team.

Lack of Motivation and/or Energy

Do you often lose interest, enthusiasm, or confidence in your fitness program or feel too tired, stressed, or depressed to exercise? Some possible solutions to this barrier are:

– Plan ahead, make physical activity a regular part of your daily or weekly schedule, and write it on your calendar.

– Set realistic and specific goals for yourself and track your progress and achievements.

– Reward yourself for reaching your goals, such as buying new clothes, getting a massage, or watching a movie.

– Determine what time of day you feel more energetic and try to fit the activity into that time frame.

– Choose activities that you enjoy and that suit your personality, preferences, and abilities.

Lack of Resources and/or Equipment

If you don’t have access to a gym, a park, a pool, or other facilities or equipment needed for your fitness program, find them too expensive, inconvenient, or crowded, consider some of the solutions below:

– Select activities that require minimal facilities or equipment, such as walking, jogging, jumping rope, or calisthenics, or consider purchasing mobile equipment like dumbells, exercise bands, and kettlebells that can be used at home.

– Identify inexpensive, convenient resources available in your community, such as parks and recreation programs, worksite wellness groups, walking clubs, etc.

– Borrow, rent, buy used equipment, or share the cost with a friend or neighbor.

– Use household items, such as cans, bottles, or books, as weights, or use chairs, stairs, or walls for exercises.

Family Caregiving Obligations

Caring for children, elderly parents, or other relatives limits exercise time, energy, and flexibility. Here are a few possible solutions:

– Exercise with your kids, such as walking together, playing tag or other running games, or getting an aerobic dance or exercise tape for kids.

– Trade babysitting time with a neighbor, friend, or relative, or join a gym or program that offers child care services.

– Involve your family members in your fitness program by asking them to join you, cheer you on, or help you plan your activities.

– Seek respite care services for your elderly or disabled relatives, or join a support group for caregivers.

Frequent Work or Leisure Travel

If work or personal travel often disrupts your fitness routine, limits access to facilities or equipment, or frequently exposes you to different climates, cultures, or cuisines, This is what you can do:

– Pack a jump rope, resistance bands, or other portable equipment in your luggage

– Book hotels with a pool and/or fitness room, or ask for a room on a high floor and use the stairs.

– Explore your destination by walking, biking, or taking public transportation.

– Use online or mobile apps offering exercise videos, tips, or programs you can do anywhere.


We know that fitness programs can offer many physical and mental health benefits but also come with many challenges and obstacles. Let us help you identify your personal barriers to fitness program completion and develop strategies to overcome them to increase your chances of sticking to your fitness program and achieving your goals.